“Thank You for the delightful book, Billy Lamont. You are a rare bird indeed, and a dazzling one, bringing together as you do unassailable gifts and a phoenix (out of the culture’e ashes) faith. I congratulate and thank you. Blessings on your fine work.”
The late DANIEL BERRIGAN was an American Jesuit priest, legendary peace activist, poet, and author and speaker on social justice issues.
– One Of The Photos I Have Included Of the late Daniel Berrigan Is Him With the late mystic follower of JESUS author Thomas Merton, whose books such as “New Seeds Of Comtemplation” have also affected me profoundly and deeply –
*** I Am Very Blessed To Have Known DANIEL BERRIGAN And To Have Spent Time Talking And Praying With Him. The Love, Friendship And Godly Wisdom This Incredible Man And Spirit Imparted Into Me Has Had A Profound Influence Upon Me In My Journey As A Follower Of JESUS And As A Pacifist. I Carry This Love And These Experiences With Me, And It Informs My Current And Future Work, That I Believe Will Bless Many Other People As Well. I Am Thankful For The Cover Blurb From This Saint Of A Man and Incredible Artist, Used For My Latest Book WORDS RIPPED FROM A SOUL STILL BLEEDING: POEMS FOR THE FUTURE EDITION. ❤ ❤ ❤
[poet billy lamont]
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