I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO – THURSDAY, JUNE 14th At 5:50-6:15pm – I WILL BE PERFORMING A SPOKEN WORD SET Titled “Renegade Of Hope/Outlaw Of Love” AT – ALIVE AFTER FIVE – DORENE ROSE ARTS STAGE, Village Of PATCHOGUE, NY. I Am Also Excited That Two Other GREAT Long Island Poets & LOVED Friends RUSS GREEN & KELLY J. POWELL Are Also Featured, Along With Other Great Artists, & Musicians!!! So Get There Early! It Is Going To Be Lots Of Fun!
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[billy lamont]
Brief Bio: BILLY LAMONT is a multimedia poetry performer who has performed on national television a number of times, including MTV and Joe Franklin Show, toured and performed with rock festivals such as Lollapalooza, and appeared on major radio stations and given book signings at major and independent bookstores across the U.S. He has three books of poetry and nine album CD/digital download album releases. His latest book Words Ripped From A Soul Still Bleeding: Poems For The Future Edition is a great success, and is available at Barnes And Noble and Amazon as a paperback, or as an eBook, and all his albums can be streamed on Spotify and Apple Music.
Flyer Graphic Design: DORENE ROSE
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#poetbillylamont #doreneroseartsstage #aliveafterfive #patchogue #russgreen #kellyjpowell #poetry #longislandpoets #nypoets #arts #music #art #bands #spokenword #summerfestival #july14th #patchoguevillage