Yesterday Morning I Began Designing A New “THE POET’S EYE” Product Line Being Rolled Out By My Company THE OTHER PERSPECTIVE MEDIA/MANAGEMENT, In A New Partnership With ZAZZLE, for THANKSGIVING 2020, To Celebrate The HOLIDAYS 2020. More Info Soon!
I am humbled and grateful for the great success of my latest book WORDS RIPPED FROM A SOUL STILL BLEEDING: POEMS FOR THE FUTURE EDITION in U.S. and globally. ❤ ❤ ❤
I am putting my heart, mind and soul into these new products to bring reminders of LOVE, VISION, LIFE, LIGHT, JUSTICE, GRACE and PEACE, in everyday things, for ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ Of America and The World!!! As one stanza of my poem ‘Imagine A Day’ says, ‘We need an intelligent heart, a loving mind, LOVE, intelligence of the heart will light your mind’ This is my prayer, meditation and desire for YOU!!! 🙂 LIVE THE OTHER PERSPECTIVE! ❤ ❤ ❤.
[billy lamont]
#billylamont #poetbillylamont #newproduct #zazzle #thepoetseye #theotherperspective #theotherperspectivemedia #tahirt #coffeemug #thanksgiving #thanksgiving2020 #holidays2020 #holidayshopping #newbook #wordsrippedfromasoulstillbleeding #poemsforthefutureedition #nycpoet #instapoet #americanpoet #globalpoet #love #life #justice #grace #peace #inspiration #vision